Monday, February 19, 2018

Heber Humbler 2018

2018 Heber Humbler was a good time.
Kelsey was partners with Dallin Bulloch again and did so great.

I got to be partners with Jana Homer and it was a good good time.
I love that Vapor Crossfit puts on such a great event every year.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

3rd grade wax museum

On February 2nd the boys had a WAX MUSEUM presentation. Morgan was Evel Knievel and Emmitt was John Henry. They were supposed to pick someone that had already died and that had somehow contributed to society. They had scripts to memorize about their person. When you pushed their wax museum button on their desk, they came to life and told us their stories. They were awesome.


"This is called guilty. My name was evel kinevel. i was the worst villain in my class! But it was fun." - Morgan

"I was John Henry. For my costume we got cotton and hot glued it to a shirt. Jace sat next to me, he was Obama. It was very fun."